Sunday, 21 March 2010

Fifth papers in Verbal Reasoning

My son, who is not 10 yet, has just finished half of the test 3 in Fifth Verbal Reasoning Papers (11+-12+). The other half is going to be done tomorrow, so I will let you know know he got on. As far as I can see, your child needs to practise lots of any verbal reasoning papers, well in advance of the exam. Simultaneously, maths needs to be worked on and English. I covered the whole maths already, my son has not experienced any new material in tests he has done so far. My conclusion is simple: "How to do 11+ maths..." covers everything your child needs to know in maths. The rest is simple practice, but it must be done early enough to build confidence.

Hint: if your child comes across any new words while solving v.reasoning, look up their meaning and write them down in a copy-book.

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